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Writer's pictureJamie Kennedy

Navigating Podcaster Fatigue and Podfading: A Comprehensive Guide

Updated: Oct 4, 2024

podcaster fatigue and podfading
Navigating Podcaster Fatigue and Podfading: A Comprehensive Guide

Hello,  I’m Jamie Kennedy, an executive podcast producer with years of experience in the industry. I’ve had the privilege of producing podcasts for various organizations and individuals, helping them to amplify their impact and connect with their target audience. In this blog, I will be discussing a topic that is close to my heart and relevant to many in our field - podcaster fatigue also known as “podfading.” Podcaster fatigue is a common challenge faced by many in our industry.

It’s that feeling of exhaustion and overwhelm that can creep in when the joy of creating starts to feel like a burden. In this blog, I will share insights from my own experiences, discuss the importance of personal validation and the need to rest, not quit. I will also provide practical hacks to avoid burnout and keep your podcast thriving. Stay tuned for a deep dive into these strategies and more.

In this episode, we talk about…

  • The concept of podcaster fatigue and how to combat it.

  • The importance of personal validation and the need to rest, not quit.

  • Practical hacks to avoid burnout, including repurposing content, multitasking, delegating tasks, and celebrating wins.

Transcribed Podcast Episode

Since you’re a health and fitness professional, I know you’re familiar with excuses. Very familiar with excuses.

If you’re a personal trainer, you might be thinking about your clients that have ghosted you; they started off strong and eager for results, then all of a sudden - poof - never to see their face in the gym again.

Or say you’re a nutritionist, you might be thinking about those clients who have the best of intentions. They’re excited to work with you and committed to eating healthier and taking the right supplements. Then they’ve missed their next appointment and you spot their car in the drive-thru at McDonald’s.

And let’s face it, we’ve all been there.

I can honestly say that a majority of the things I’ve done in my life, I’ve quit, never to return to it. I quit gymnastics when I was 12, dancing when I was 17, my first diet at 18, my first career path at 31, my first business at 33, my second business at 35, the list goes on…

And every time I quit something, I would sit in a stew of self-loathing, burning from the inside, wondering why I could never just stick with something so I could become the success I wanted to be.

But why, why do we always feel like success is something we’ll achieve down the road? Once we stop quitting, then surely success will come of us. And so we continue to throw ourselves into new, more exciting, dopamine-filled adventures in the hopes that this new shiny thing - that this will be the thing we will be successful at.

But the trap continues. Because months into this new shiny thing? It isn’t so shiny anymore. It’s suddenly sharp at the edges, feels painful to the touch, and something that could never bring you the success you desire.

This is the roller coaster we all ride. It’s the one your clients ride. It’s the one you ride. The roller coaster itself is different for all of us, but we all experience these same feelings - of excitement for something new, and then the dulling sensation as the “something new” becomes something, well, blue.

It wasn’t until the age of 36 when I realized something that felt life-changing for me. 

I realized that if I was going to commit to something, I was going to have to change everything I knew about commitment.

And it revolved around two things:

  1. Once I chose something to commit to, I would stick with it for my own personal validation. I would no longer let any person’s opinion of me validate, or invalidate, my commitment to something. And I had to stop listening to the voices in my head, that projected other people’s opinions onto me, as well. Meaning, even if I was pretty sure my ex boyfriend would disapprove of what I was doing - whether or not he even knows about it, to be clear, it was going to stop me. 

  2. The second thing I realized was this... I had to learn to rest, not quit. This was huge for me. Like I’ve mentioned, it seems that humans have this “all or nothing” mentality. Where if we stop doing something, it’s over. Done-zo. Shoved under the rug, never to lift that shaggy carpet again. So whether that’s going to the gym, running or golfing, we seem to think that once we’ve skipped our new routine once? Or god forbid twice? We’re done! Bye bye, new golf clubs, you’re heading to the garage with all my other shameful purchases and running shoes gathering dust. And so instead, I taught myself to say a new thought and that was: it’s okay to rest. That if I skipped leg day, it didn’t mean I had to skip next weeks. The point is that we have to give ourselves permission to take breaks. Because when we don’t give ourselves the permission to say not today, but let’s aim for tomorrow, we cut ourselves off at the foot.

I know you know this, because it’s something you’ve probably tried to tell your clients. Or maybe you’re realizing this is a great thing to share with your clients. Either way, these two things changed me. To summarize, when I commit to something, I’m doing it for me and nobody else can talk me into it or out of it. And when I commit to something, I give myself permission to call it resting, not quitting, so that I take away the shameful thoughts and I can get back up on my feet when I’m ready to do so. 

This really is a very long-winded way to launch into a very important discussion about how to avoid podcasting fatigue.

As this is my 26th episode and I’ve been at this for one entire year, I felt this was as good a time as any to break down exactly why podcasting is something to commit to, and some really special hacks that will actually work for you - so you can podcast effectively in a way that really works for your life - no matter how busy you are, this episode is going to give you the answers you need to build a truly successful podcast that never weighs you down, that fits your job and lifestyle, and that never leaves you feeling like you need to quit for good.

Le’s go.

So what exactly is podcaster fatigue? Podcaster fatigue is that feeling of exhaustion, overwhelm, and maybe even a tinge of resentment towards your once-loved podcast. It's when the joy of creating starts to feel like a burden you can't quite shake.

Sounds similar to burnout, right? You bet. The symptoms are pretty much the same. Do any of these symptoms sound familiar?

You’re constantly tired of your content. You might be the fitness guru on your podcast, but suddenly even recording an episode feels like running a marathon you haven't trained for.

You’ve got a complete loss of motivation. The creative spark that once ignited your podcasting spirit feels like a flickering candle in the wind.

You’re feeling Cynicism and negativity about the topics you were once passionate about - they seem dull, and connecting with your audience feels like a chore.

You’re oubting your abilities: The imposter syndrome creeps in, whispering that you have nothing valuable to offer and your podcast is a flop.

Now, why might health and fitness podcasters like you be more susceptible to this fatigue? Here's the thing:

You're already juggling your own fitness routine, training clients, and staying on top of industry trends. You have your own business or have a client roster. Add podcasting on top of that, and your time management skills can get stretched thin.

Not to mention, Fitness is a dynamic ever-evolving field. Constantly churning out fresh, relevant content requires a lot of research, planning, and expertise. The pressure to be informative and engaging can be immense.

You also might experience performance anxiety and saying the right thing. Is what you’re sharing well-researched. Will the trolls the attack it? Oftentimes, you can end up feeling frozen and afraid to share what you really want to share for fear of being ostracized. 

The result? A perfect recipe for podcaster fatigue.

So what can you do about it? Here’s 5 hacks.

Hack #1 - You must prioritize rest. It's not a sign of weakness to admit you need a break. In fact, your listeners will love you more for it. Be clear about seasonal breaks you’ll be taking, and when they can expect you to be back. 

My recommendation is to post at least 10 episodes, then schedule in 4 weeks of downtime. You can call it a new season when you start back up. In fact, calling it a new season might even spark some fresh ideas in you and content pillars to help you get excited for the next 10 episodes you’ll create.

And remember when you take the downtime to take it. Get more sleep, focus on your own workouts and movement, and indulge in other activities that fuel your soul. A refreshed you is a more creative and engaged podcast host. 

Hack #2 - I also like to look at all the ways I can repurpose my content. For example, I have a plethora of blog articles written on my website. If I’m running out of podcast episode ideas, I just quickly scan my most read articles and turn it into a podcast episode. This helps save me a ton of time it normally takes to create a script. 

You could also come up with episode ideas from your social media posts, and previous episode topics by expanding on your topics. 

Hack #3 - Another key way to fight burnout is to multitask. Try batch recording several episodes at once when you're feeling productive and inspired.  This frees up time for editing, promotion, and yes, that much-needed rest. It’s actually exactly what I’m doing now. My husband, dog Riggs and I are officially moving overseas to the US from Australia in May, and so I’m preparing these episodes in advance so that I can focus on the big move. Yes, it requires more time upfront but, it will help immensely to have a few episodes in your back pocket ready to go.

Hack #4 - I would be remiss to not mention you can always delegate the tasks associated with your show. Consider delegating editing tasks, social media promotion, or even guest research to free up your valuable time and energy. Is it costly? Yes and no. And I will tell you right now, your time is worth so much more than the amount you’ll pay someone to handle the mundane tasks you hate. You should spend your time doing the things that make you shine, not the things you despise doing.

Hack #5 - Last but not least, always celebrate Your Wins, no matter how big or small. Don't get so focused on the next milestone that you forget to celebrate the progress you've already made.  Take a moment to acknowledge positive feedback, subscriber growth, or even just a particularly insightful episode.  Celebrating your achievements keeps you motivated and reminds you why you started this podcasting journey in the first place. One way I do this is that each time I receive a compliment, I will screenshot it on my phone and drop it into a folder called “Compliments”. Then I go back to the folder when I need a little boost of confidence - which is often.

Alright, coach, buckle up because this episode is about to take a turn. You see, I’ve loved building this podcast - celebrating one year together means everything to me. But I've recently reached a crossroads.

While I'm deeply committed to the world of podcasting and empowering you to build your own shows, this episode is… the series finale of Fearless Podcasting. And it’s completely strategic. Here’s why.

See, I actually want to go back and refine the first 26 episodes I've already recorded.  Why?  Because evergreen content is king!  By polishing these episodes, I can ensure they continue to be relevant, and that they’re always here for you when you need to be reminded of something in your podcasting journey. And also, it’s important to keep these updated as a way to offer incredible value to new listeners for years to come.

And with this solid podcast foundation already laid, I can dedicate more time to building other aspects of my business that will ultimately support "Fearless Podcasting" in the long run.  I also have a few podcast passion projects bubbling up that I'm itching to explore.

In the meantime, you've got a treasure trove of 26 episodes - 1 year to be exact - packed with valuable insight to revisit and absorb.  Remember, consistency is key, but so is quality. 

Fear not, coach. This isn't a goodbye, it's a "see you soon."  Approach your podcast with unwavering commitment, but don't be afraid to call a time-out when you need to recharge.  Taking a strategic break can be the fuel you need to create a podcast that thrives, not just survives.

For You, On Us

If you found this blog helpful and want to take your podcasting journey to the next level, I have something special for you. Click below to download your free “Podcast Launch Guide.” This guide is packed with industry-best choices for equipment, software, and a step-by-step checklist to get you rolling. Don’t wait, start your podcasting journey today!

Happy podcasting.

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